What Should My Business Website Look Like? – Phil Carrick Marketing Tips

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I've been asked by many business owners what should my business website look like? So many people have been 'fleeced' by over-priced web-designers and their 'bells and whistles' websites! Before I get the wrath of all web-designers, yes this is not industry specific and there are lots of fabulous and ethical web designers. However, I have came across so many business owners who have paid thousands to a web designer without having the basic marketing fundamentals in place!

So, what should I have on my website? First, you have to ask yourself "what is the MAIN purpose of my website?" Is it to get people to call you, or do you want to collect leads?
Once you know this then it's time to take a very close look at the 3 Marketing M's:

Message – What are the BENEFITS for prospects in doing business with me?
Market – Who is my target market? What are their demographics, what car do they drive etc
Media – Only when you have the first 2 nailed, then it's time to decide on the best media to use to market your services. Most businesses look at media first….WRONG! This can be extremely costly!

Once you have all 3, then it's time to look at your website!

I hope you find this video useful. If you do please leave a comment below. Cheers, Phil

Stephen Briant

  • Sha La Cynts says:

    Thank you Phil for this helpful information

  • Lewin Carr says:

    great video. Really helpfulΒ 

  • Phil Carrick says:

    Many thanks Lewin appreciate your feedback πŸ™‚

  • Hana JS says:

    Thanks. I found that very useful.

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