MILLIONAIRE REVEALS $250/Day Midjourney Money Method

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I Reveal A Proven Fail-Safe Escape Plan for Frustrated Workers: ❤️


Grab my foolproof escape plan for the frustrated, working man:❤️
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MIDJOURNEY AI PROMPTS (change and customize these)

Press Image of a Lamborghini Huracan standing in a warehouse. –ar 2:1 –q 2 –style raw

High luxury symmetrical close – up shoot of black Lamborghini Huracan Taillights, anamorphic lens, ultra realistic, hyper detailed –ar 16:9 –q 2 –v 5.1

High luxury symmetrical close – up shoot of Lamborghini, anamorphic lens, ultra realistic, hyper detailed –ar 16:9 –style raw –q 2 –v 5.1 –style raw

High luxury symmetrical top – down shoot of black Lamborghini Huracan, cyberpunk neon colors in background, ultra realistic, hyper detailed –ar 16:9 –style raw –q 2 –v 5.1

High luxury symmetrical close – up shoot of black Lamborghini Huracan Wheels, anamorphic lens, ultra realistic, hyper detailed –ar 16:9 –style raw –q 2 –v 5.1

Grab my foolproof escape plan for the frustrated, working man:❤️

Stephen Briant

  • Michael Cheney says:

    Grab my foolproof escape plan for the frustrated, working man:❤

  • WolveZ says:

    You’re so smart

  • ericinnit1 says:

    How much does each image sell for? Do you set your own price?

  • ericinnit1 says:

    Also, do you need to pay to advertise/promote like you do on pinterest?

  • Always on Top says:

    Quick question. How would i get paid?

  • Lindzay Bond says:

    Thank you, Michael. Great training video as always. Love your teaching style so very much <3. You are such a delight to listen to and learn from. Could watch you till the cows come home (that's a saying here in Australia; meaning, for a very long time ;).

  • Always on Top says:

    For example say that someone downloaded my image. How would i know that they did? Would i get like a alert or message to say some one has? Also how would i receive the pay? Do i like put in my bank card and get paid through there or ?

  • Jennifer Brown says:

    I have been watching your videos trying to figure out how to get myself out of the pit my mom and I fell into. We are stranded on the streets and I can’t really be on my phone without fear of being mugged. It’s my dream to have a business like you have. Please pray for us

    • Michael Cheney says:

      sorry to hear that. In this case I don’t think an internet business or following my training can help – hopefully someone local to you can assist or local authorities.

    • Jennifer Brown says:

      @MichaelCheney  yeah, no one local is trying ti help me out, and the homeless shelter I thought was going to help us well all they did was get my van towed and put us on the streets. All I need is just enough for a down-payment on a car and that would literally save us

  • Andrew Collett says:

    This is great. Thank you. How many images do you recommend that someone upload to see results?

  • liam capewell says:

    hey mate the topaz laps subscription is now 199 usd a month, unsure if im looking in the wrong place

  • Lemondrop says:

    will you get rejected if we dont name the file?

  • Lucy says:

    Is midjourney the only a.I. art I can sell?

  • Dougie C says:

    Great video.Really informative.Will Adobe accept brand names like Lamborghini though? I had always thought that product names would be refused.

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