How to create YouTube videos using AI. [Full step by step live demonstration]

How to create YouTube videos, using nothing but AI. This video gives you the full step by step live demonstration of how I created a Youtube video using nothing but AI.

Watch the YouTube video AI created in this demo here:

Ai used:
Video creation: invideo – try for free here ( )
Thumbnail creation: Wall-e via chatgpt – register here ( )
Alternative Thumbnail creation: canva – try it here ( )

Investment Ideas:
Automatic investments in early stage companies

Stephen Briant

  • @bilalhassan89 says:

    Do Youtube monitize these AI generated videos?

    • @educateh says:

      thats a question that is not yet answered fully, its neither denied nor confirmed, how ever i havemonetised some channel Ai and all i say is that if you consider quality over quantity you have 90% chances of getting to it

    • @PaulHardingham says:

      If you see an advert on an AI generated video, then I would assume that yes, they are monetizing those videos. They certainly seem happy to put ads on my few test AI generated videos so far.

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