Stephen Briant

  • Kevin Pola says:

    Great Video, very easy to follow and comprehensive content. Thanks Chuck

  • Biologist Stevae Weible says:

    agree that its a good vid, but you aren’t truthful about minimum costs. you can get FREE HOSTING AND FREE DOMAIN NAME. why don’t you mention that?

  • SDR OPS says:

    Hello Andy,
    i have just had a very bad week with and i am new to website building but i am not new to computers and after painfully talking with the tech support i realize that there is a lot of restrictions and problems with godaddy and managed to confirm that with online reviews.
    im thinking now of switching to the same webhost as you explain in your video. however, i do have a few questions if you could be kind enough to answer me..
    1-wordpress usually charge you money for their themes ..etc, but if i do it like you showed in the video with the free themes, do they have limited capability ? as in will it keep telling me to pay more for this option like godaddy does in each step?
    2- can i customize the theme to my requirement such as the banner pic above the navigation menu with my own pic?
    3- does wordpress put up ads on your website without your permission, because you are using a free theme?

    cheerz mate

  • airplanes cool says:

    Wow Andy i like the way you are Edit ur video the first 0.05 but how did u do that and how do get it theme hot lol

    • airplanes cool says:

      +Chuck ā€œNā€ Andy oh thanks for answer me quickly but actually its ask me a money right i think thats too bad isnt

    • airplanes cool says:

      +Chuck ā€œNā€ Andy oh i forget something buddy how do u creative dude your mask in head the red and the blue haha

      wow its amazing will u teach plz lol

  • Sher Shah Goddam Rates says:

    fantastic video chuck andy tell me now how can create an article tell me sorce of generate articles…

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