$785.44 Per Month Recurring Income From One Affiliate Sale!

Learn more about the Realppvtraffic.com affiliate program here:

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Download $597. of Pro Marketing Software for free:

This video discusses the Realppvtraffic.com affiliate program. We have one affiliate who is making between $785.44 and $1100. per month recurring income mainly from one referral who kept ordering multiple packages.

We are not promising that you will have the same results. However, many of our clients stay subscribed month after month so this presents an excellent opportunity for affiliate marketers who are looking for recurring income.


Stephen Briant


    Hi sir am from Africa Kenya how can I make money 💰 on this

  • Mark Bosley on line says:

    Great video. thanks Matt.

  • amnaj Souphabmichai says:

    Good video. Thanks

  • Lawrence H Theus Jr says:

    OK Matt great video Just signed up.

  • Coolmarketingsoftware.com says:

    Join our newsletter and download $597. of free marketing software: https://www.classifiedsubmissions.com/join-newsletter

  • Louis Paquette says:

    What sort of response do you think I might get by advertising my affiliate link with the advertising service you provide?
    Along with my own methods to market/advertise, as well.

    • Coolmarketingsoftware.com says:

      We advertise affiliate links all the time. However, we cannot guarantee sign ups. Quite a bit depends on the offer and the follow up. Thank you.

  • Louis Paquette says:

    I just want to confirm a couple things. Let’s say we want to split traffic between say, 4 sites. Can we do that. And then at anytime – change that to say – 10 sites fairly easily?

    • Coolmarketingsoftware.com says:

      Hi Louis, with a single campaign we promote one url. If you have a rotator, however, which promotes several urls that is fine but we will promote just one url per campaign. Yes, you can change that one url if you want every month.

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