🔥 Session 3: Momentum Mastery & Finishing Strong – Achieve GOLD and Beyond! 🚀
NextLevel Women in Software – Day 4 – Sherist Rodriguez & Ruheene Jaura
Shaking Up the Industry!
From Beginner to Expert: How Jim Built a Lead-Generating Machine! Wayne Crowe with Jim Shirley
Check the list in the description! #affiliatemarketing #makemoneyonline #sidehustle #passiveincome
NextLevel Women in Software – Day 3 – Pamela Dale & Paige Battcher
Did You Know You Can Split Test Email Subjects?
NextLevel Women in Software – Day 2 – Amanda Dake & Bridget Bartlett
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I’m surprised you haven’t had more comments.
You obviously know your trade and I hope you put out more videos on this subject.
I’m definitely going to invest in 3 or 4 btcs soon. and probably look into the top 10. please upload more great videos like this.
have you heard of this new currency tesoz?
Hi DJ, thanks. Interesting someone else asked me about Tesoz today. What I see there is an “uncapped ICO” which basically means they will take as much money as they possibly can. The downside of that is that there may well be no demand for the ICO after the funding and therefore the price is likely to fall initially. That might be a better time to buy. That seems to be a fairly common occurrence for uncapped ICO’s. My cynical mind says that they are just being greedy – but who can blame them – the crypto ICO market at the moment is going crazy. Definitely a bubble. The problem with bubbles is that no-one knows when they will burst. It’s a tough call. But in short, I’d be VERY cautious of any ICO that is uncapped either by time or money.
Do you believe Bitcoin will hit new highs in the near future?
I think it’s got a long way to go yet – it’s just the time frames that no one can guess.
Thanks you Paul. Really very helpful and cleared many confusions.
pretty crazy how the numbers have changed in such a short period of time.
It is amazing. But even today’s prices will be considered very low too potentially.
I hope so. I got into it all without knowing what I was even doing. Found out I missed ( i thought) the boat on Bitcoin so bought some ripple of ebay a few years ago. I had no idea what I had. I only wish I had bought a lot more than I did.
hindsight is a wonderful thing 😉
That is accurate
@Paul Hardingham Right lol
Hi Paul, thanks for explanations, this tutorial was so helpful, subscribed so I don’t miss other videos, thanks again for sharing your knowledge 🙂
Thanks Jay, you’re welcome
Very well explained
very helpful, thanks! looking fwd to more explainer / breakdown content
Hi Paul, how do you zoom+light/shade an area during sreen recording? it looks so cool
You do that after the recording, during the edit phase. I use Camtasia Studio software for recording and editing
cool, i’ll check it out, thanks Paul, i just got myself into crypto, and ur video was very useful, i m thinking of doing my own version of it for a different community (in Chinese ), lots learned from your tutoria,l thumb up
Thanks and good luck with it all.
In the case of lost or destroyed coins (private keys), how does that effect market cap? The blockchain thinks they are circulating but they’re gone forever? How does that effect valuations of a particular coin?
Simple informative video. Thank you
Great job explaining market cap!! Would love for you to make a video on what to look for when choosing to invest in a coin. Short term and long Term Thanks in advance-
Hi Paul, Could you please tell me why and how any currency can be removed from the COINMARKETCAP? That will be very helpful to know about. Thanks
You always have to compare the price of something relative to something else. You can compare prices of other cryptos against dollar or bitcoin price. Under the chart for each crypto there are 3 different references you can use – price vs USD, price vs Bitcoin and total market cap (USD)
how do you use the 24hr volume to tell whether is going to grow
I’m a newbie and your video was very clear. It gave me the courage to go click on some tabs. On some videos, I can’t see what they are doing when they zip across a page. Thanx!
Great information Paul 🙂
Thanks for the info! You explained it really well!
Hello and thanks for your tutorial-appreciate it! I’ve a quick question: say I choose a crytocurrency with very little volume (and hence very high volatility) and invest a small sum in it, say $20. If I’m prepared to lose that $20, then two things could happen: 1) the market falls and I lose it, OR, 2) the market goes up and I make some quick cash, albet not much, as the investment was just $20. Is this correct? So essentially my point is: is it okay to invest a small sum of money in a highly volatile cryptocurrency?
Thank you sooo much, This is very helpful for me.
Thanks for this! What are your thoughts on their new block explorer?
Great video 👍🏿
How do you switch to candlestick chart on CoinMarketCap?