Stephen Briant

  • @melissawanner4586 says:

    Good evening

  • @AmoahIsaac-rj5ml says:

    Good luck thanks 👍

  • @vivianadorsu2167 says:

    Thank you Joel

  • @zaoher2556 says:

    Hi Joe, Thanks for the video. I’m really excited to join your webinar.

  • @digitalbygsharckees6981 says:

    hello joel i have been with you for a long time, can you put the translation on youtube thank you

  • @louiselder says:

    Hi Joel from Southern Alberta

  • @Lintwo1953 says:

    I saw my former student, Flex Wheeler, in your photos!

  • @vlc1031 says:

    Hey Joel, can you share the webinar days and times ? Couldn’t find the link, thanks a bunch 🙂

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