Stephen Briant

  • @JohnCrestani says:

    To become financially free in the next 60 days you need a plan 👇

    Day 1

    1. Create an Instagram Account and pick a topic/niche you want to post about – it can be Motivation, Self improvement or other topics that are trending

    Day 2-10

    2. Post 2x a day and either show your face or not (if not, you are a “Theme Page”) – only use reels to grow fast

    Day 11-20

    3. Create a Free product to gain trust and collect emails – it can be a free ebook, templates or anything you think could benefit your audience

    Day 21-30

    4. Promote your free product 2-3x in Storys and captions (still post 2x a day)

    Day 30-40

    5. Create a paid product – this can be a course, ebook or a template as well, price it at 27$-97$

    Day 40-50

    6. Sell your Paid product to the people who already know you and got your free product – promote it on stories/captions

    Day 50-60

    7. Collect your first $1-2k easily since it’s all automated

    After the 60 days

    Scale your business and become financially free!

    If you want to learn how I consistently have 6 figure months, click the link below (or go to the link in my bio and click “passive income course”) to get it for free!!

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